The Radiator Centre is proud to be an industry partner of the British Institute of Interior Design (BIID). This demonstrates our commitment to professionalism and excellence in interior design. The Institute benefits The Radiator Centre and provides value to our customers. Discover the benefits of working with a BIID member like The Radiator Centre including elevated design standards, professional development opportunities, and more.

Why have we become a partner of BIID?

The BIID is a professional organisation that upholds strict standards for its members and partners, including a rigorous code of conduct and ongoing professional development requirements. As a BIID industry partner, The Radiator Centre is committed to meeting these high standards and providing clients with top-quality design services. Being a BIID partner has certain benefits that sets us apart from the rest:

Our profile on the BIID website

Look out for updates to our profile on the BIID website; letting interior designers know of the new trends and technical developments that will be important factors that might affect their design/heating choices

BIID Newsletter

We will contribute regularly to the BIID newsletter, which is sent to interior designers throughout the year, and provide case studies where radiators have made an interesting and valuable contribution to an interior design project.

In person and online events

We will have the opportunity to present to interior designers and network at ‘in person’ events, including breakfasts and drinks receptions.

Promotion on social media

Our Instagram spotlight will feature as part of the BIID’s Friday Update.

Event hosting

There will be an opportunity to attend one of our hosted BIID events for interior designers which will focus on heating trends and is a great way to network.

Elevated Standards of Interior Design

Being at the forefront of interior design, we see the BIID as the ideal place to offer valuable guidance when it comes to elevated standards of design. Considered as the only professional organisation in the UK for interior design, the organisation has been granted rare and prestigious Institute status. It is therefore the Institute’s responsibility to set the highest standards of practice for its particular profession, and, as an industry partner, we will follow their lead when promoting our own interior design standards within radiator design.

How to become a part of the BIID

The BIID is committed to encouraging and supporting creativity and competence in the field for members and partners. From experienced designers and design practices to associate designers, students and affiliates alike, the Institute supports the design industry and helps members uphold high standards to succeed. There are specified eligibility criteria for all members to meet before becoming a member of the BIID.

The BIID offers a range of partnerships to manufacturers, suppliers, associations, trade shows and events aimed at the interior design community. This is where the Radiator Centre comes in. Becoming an industry partner gives us the opportunity to learn about, network and communicate with interior designers. The process to receive Industry Partner status involved an annual fee and agreed upon terms and conditions.

Keeping Up with the Latest Industry Trends

The Interior Design Industry is currently a 1.5 billion dollar industry with the market size expected to increase by 3.6% in 2023. That being said, it can be tough to keep up with the latest industry trends. The BIID assists us to stay updated on all the cutting-edge trends in the design space so we can incorporate them into our radiator designs.

To find out more about The Radiator Centre’s products and services, read our FAQs. Visit one of our radiator showrooms and talk to our friendly experts about the best designer radiators for your home.